

PlantLink News – May

The last traces of winter are fading away, welcoming the warmth and vibrant colours of spring! With this weather change comes an exciting array of events, courses, and conferences that we are pleased to announce in this month’s newsletter!Do not…
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PlantLink News – April

As the weather warms up and the trees begin to bloom, it can only mean one thing: spring and pollen season have arrived! Yet, it’s not only allergy time; Sweden also experiences a lesser-known grant-writing season during this period. Read…
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PlantLink News – March

March is in the name of conferences and open positions! Check all of them listed below to avoid missing anything relevant for you! PlantLink extended the deadline for mentorship program applications. PhD students and postdocs can sign up until the 8th of March! Another Fascination of Plants Day will take place…
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