
ELLS summer course Digital Plant Breeding

2 August – 8 August 2020, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU)


Campus Tulln, Konrad Lorenz Str. 24, 3430 Tulln, Austria 

Background of Summer School / Introduction

Plant breeding plays the key role among crop sciences. Better adaptation of crops to regional agro-ecological conditions, resilience to varying biotic and abiotic stresses and high product quality are among the key traits plant breeding has to combine in a skilful way. Integration of novel digital tools will be valuable and useful for enhancing breeding progress, particularly for difficult to breed, quantitative traits.

During the 2020 summer school, we will therefore zoom into two topics in relation to digital breeding: 1. Genomic Selection (GS), 2. Digital Phenotyping

More information

Application Deadline

30. April 2020

Course Content

Topic 1. Genomic Selection (GS):

We will explore the theoretical basis of genomic selection. We will present, compare and discuss different approaches of genomic selection and perform interactively several hands-on examples of data analysis in a simulated plant breeding situation. Students will understand the theory behind GS and will learn how to run real life data analysis and make selection decisions.

Topic 2. Digital Phenotyping

Obtaining reliable phenotypic data on breeding lines through field experimentation is the most cost- and time intensive part of any breeding program. Many of the breeder’s selection decisions are still based on visual observations and intuitive decisions. Novel phenotyping methods using instrumental measurements for difficult to see traits are currently under development. We will choose a few possibilities for digital phenotyping, perform measurements on field or greenhouse plants and will train students how to integrate such digital phenotyping data in selection programs.


We plan for a one day excursion to visit to the world leading plant breeding equipment provider Wintersteiger and one plant breeding station.

Contact persons for scientific questions

Prof. Hermann Buerstmayr

BOKU – University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna

Department of Agrobiotechnology (IFA-Tulln)

Institute of Biotechnology in Plant Production

Konrad-Lorenz-Strasse 20

A-3430 Tulln


Phone: +43 1 47654 97102

Fax:   +43 1 47654 97109


Contact person for administrative questions

Mrs. Susanne Weber

BOKU – University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna

Department of Agrobiotechnology (IFA-Tulln)

Institute of Biotechnology in Plant Production

Konrad-Lorenz-Strasse 20

A-3430 Tulln


Phone: +43 1 47654 97100

Fax:   +43 1 47654 97109
