

PlantLink is a research network in the area of plant sciences in the south of Sweden. It was formed in 2011 as an alliance between Lund University and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Alnarp (SLU Alnarp) with financial support from the Skåne Regional Council (Region Skåne).

With PlantLink, we want to bridge the gap between basic and applied plant research with the objective to improve crops and food products, and to enable production of materials, medication and energy from plants in a sustainable way. Associated to PlantLink are several within their field world-leading research groups.

PlantLink strives to increase and improve the interest and competence in the plant research area through education and information. We also want to create an environment that promotes innovation and leads to a dynamic interaction between the two universities and commercial enterprises.

Read more about our work in our annual reports

Check out About > Annual Reports